The Kentucky Department of Highways (KDOH) is planning to connect KY 33 and KY 34 in Danville, KY via an extension of the north bypass, KY 2168. The City of Danville’s water and sewer services will be impacted by this highway extension and they contracted Eclipse Engineers to design and coordinate the relocations. Waterline and sanitary sewer relocations will be made for the following:
Spears Creek Trunk Sewer – 24”
Spears Creek Force Main – 14”
Raw Waterline – 18” and 24”
Waterworks Road Waterline – 6”
Various Casing Pipe – 12”, 16”, and 36”
Once completed, Danville will have all of their water and sewer lines out of the highway construction limits and/or deep enough to avoid any impact from the highway construction. Danville will also have casing pipes strategically placed to allow for any future crossings that may be necessary.